アンドリュー・ゴールドの新ボックスセット『Lonely Boy : The Asylum Years Anthology』発売

70年代ウェストコーストを代表する米シンガー/ソングライター、アンドリュー・ゴールドの楽曲を6枚組CD+DVDに収録したボックスセット『Lonely Boy : The Asylum Years Anthology』が、7月24日にエソテリック・レコーディング(Esoteric Recording)から発売されます。
1976年のアルバム『What’s Wrong With This Picture』に収録された「Lonely Boy」は、当時のアメリカでトップ10に入るヒット曲となり、アルバム『All This And Heaven Too』収録の「Never Let Her Slip Away」は、1978年の夏にUKチャートで第5位を記録しています。
今回のボックスはアサイラム時代の音源集大成ですが、その後ゴールドは1980年代初頭に10ccのレコーディングに参加したり(『10 Out of 10』の米盤のみ3曲)、それが縁でグラハム・グールドマンとワックス(WAX)というバンドを組んで、人気を得ました。1987年にはWAXのセカンド・アルバムからのシングル・カット「Bridge to Your Heart」が英国だけでなくヨーロッパで大ヒットしています。

Andrew Gold
『Lonely Boy : Asylum Years Anthology』
Disc 1:Andrew Gold (1975)
1. That's Why I Love You
2. Heartaches in Heartaches
3. Love Hurts
4. A Note from You
5. Resting in Your Arms
6. I'm a Gambler
7. Endless Flight
8. Hang My Picture Straight
9. Ten Years Behind Me
10. I'm Coming Home
11. Hang My Picture Straight (Live at Santa Monica Civic 1975) (Bonus Track)
Disc 2:What’s Wrong With This Picture (1976)
1. I Hope You Feel Good
2. Passing Thing
3. Do Wah Diddy
4. Learning the Game
5. Angel Woman
6. Must Be Crazy
7. Lonely Boy
8. Firefly
9. Stay
10. Go Back Home Again
11. One of Them Is Me
Disc 3:All This And Heaven Too (1978)
1. How Can This Be Love?
2. Oh Urania (Take Me Away)
3. Still You Linger on
4. Never Let Her Slip Away
5. Always for You
6. Thank You for Being a Friend
7. Looking for My Love
8. Genevieve
9. I'm on My Way
10. You're Free
11. Endless Flight (Live at the Gator Bowl, Jacksonville, Florida 1978) (Bonus Track)
Disc 4:Whirlwind (1980)
1. Kiss This One Goodbye
2. Whirlwind
3. Sooner or Later
4. Leave Her Alone
5. Little Company
6. Brand New Face
7. Nine to Five
8. Stranded on the Edge
9. Make Up Your Mind
Disc 5:Outtakes and unreleased recordings
Recorded during sessions for ‘Andrew Gold’
1. Within a Word
2. Broken Pinball Machine
3. Ten Years Behind Me (Demo)
Recorded during sessions for ‘What’s Wrong With This Picture’
4. Lonely Boy (Original Version)
5. Firefly (Early Unfinished Version)
6. Feel It
7. Gorilla Jam
Recorded during sessions for ‘All This And Heaven Too’
8. Gambler (Version #1)
9. Still You Linger on (Alternate Take)
10. Thank You for Being a Friend (Outtake)
11. Genevieve (Original Version)
Recorded during sessions for ‘Whirlwind’
12. Gambler (Version #2)
13. Traffic Jam
14. The in Crowd
Disc 6:Live Recordings – Released 1976/1977
Live at the Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles 6 Jan 1977
1. Hope You Feel Good (Live 1977)
2. Stay (Live 1977) *
3. That's Why I Love You (Live 1977) *
4. Endless Flight (Live 1977) *
5. Learning the Game (Live 1977) *
6. Hang My Picture Straight (Live 1977) *
7. One of Them Is Me (Live 1977) *
8. Lonely Boy (Live 1977) *
*previously unreleased
Live at the New Victoria Theatre, London 23 Nov 1976
Broadcast on BBC’s ‘The Old Grey Whistle Test’ on 15 March 1977 – All previously unreleased.
9. Heartaches in Heartaches (Live BBC)
10. That's Why I Love You (Live BBC)
11. Endless Flight (Live BBC)
12. Do Wah Diddy Diddy (Live BBC)
13. Learning the Game (Live BBC)
14. Angel Woman (Live BBC)
15. Hope You Feel Good (Live BBC)
16. One of Them Is Me (Live BBC)
17. Lonely Boy (Live BBC)
18. Go Back Home Again (Live BBC)
Disc 7 / DVD:The promotional videos
1. Lonely Boy (Promo Video)
2. Go Back Home Again (Promo Video)
3. Thank You for Being a Friend (Promo Video)
4. Never Let Her Slip Away (Promo Video)
5. How Can This Be Love (Promo Video)
6. Kiss This One Goodbye (Promo Video)
‘The Old Grey Whistle Test’ on 15 March 1977
7. Heartaches in Heartaches (Live Old Grey Whistle Test)
8. That's Why I Love You (Live Old Grey Whistle Test)
9. Endless Flight (Live Old Grey Whistle Test)
10. Do Wah Diddy Diddy (Live Old Grey Whistle Test)
11. Learning the Game (Live Old Grey Whistle Test)
12. Angel Woman (Live Old Grey Whistle Test)
13. Hope You Feel Good (Live Old Grey Whistle Test)
14. One of Them Is Me (Live Old Grey Whistle Test)
15. Lonely Boy (Live Old Grey Whistle Test)
16. Go Back Home Again (Live Old Grey Whistle Test)
BBC TV –’The Old Grey Whistle Test’ Andrew Gold feature 24 Jan 1978
17. Hope You Feel Good (Old Grey Whistle Test 1978)
18. Andrew Gold Interview (Old Grey Whistle Test 1978)
19. One of Them Is Me (Old Grey Whistle Test 1978)

