ジョージ・ハリスン、1974年『Living in the Material World』50周年記念盤11月発売
ジョージ・ハリスンが1974年に発表したセカンド・ソロ・アルバム『Living in the Material World』の50周年記念エディションが、11月15日に様々なフォーマットで発売されることになりました。
全世界で5,000セット限定のスーパー・デラックス・エディションには、2LP+2CD+Blu-ray+7インチ・シングルが収められ、2LPと2CDに、名エンジニアのポール・ヒックスがリミックスしたオリジナル・アルバムのリマスター盤と、アルバム収録曲の初期の未発表ヴァージョン、Blu-rayには、前述したアルバムのリマスター版と未発表ヴァージョンのドルビー・アトモス、7インチ・シングルには、リンゴ・スターとザ・バンドのロビー・ロバートソン、レヴォン・ヘルム、リック・ダンコ、ガース・ハドソンをフィーチャーした「Sunshine Life For Me(Sail Away Raymond)」の未発表ヴァージョンが収録されており、同作のディスク#2から未発表音源「Give Me Love(Give Me Peace on Earth)(Take 18)」が公開されています。
Living In The Material World 50th Anniversary - Online Store EXCLUSIVE Purple Color Vinyl
Living In The Material World 50th Anniversary - Online Store EXCLUSIVE Purple Color Vinyl
George Harrison
『Living in the Material World(50th Anniversary Super Deluxe)』
George Harrison
『Living in the Material World(50th Anniversary Super Deluxe)』
George Harrison
『Living in the Material World(50th Anniversary Deluxe)』
George Harrison
『Living in the Material World(50th Anniversary Deluxe)』
George Harrison
『Living in the Material World(50th Anniversary Deluxe)』
George Harrison
『Living in the Material World(50th Anniversary Deluxe)』
George Harrison
『Living in the Material World(50th Anniversary』
George Harrison
『Living in the Material World(50th Anniversary』
George Harrison
『Living in the Material World(50th Anniversary』
George Harrison
『Living in the Material World(50th Anniversary』
■Super Deluxe Edition/Deluxe Edition Tracklisting
■Super Deluxe Edition/Deluxe Edition
●LP1/CD Disc 1
(LP Side A)
1. Give Me Love(Give Me Peace on Earth)(2024 Mix)
2. Sue Me, Sue You Blues(2024 Mix)
3. The Light That Has Lighted the World(2024 Mix)
4. Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long(2024 Mix)
5. Who Can See It(2024 Mix)
6. Living in the Material World(2024 Mix)
(LP Side B)
7. The Lord Loves the One(That Loves the Lord)(2024 Mix)
8. Be Here Now(2024 Mix)
9. Try Some Buy Some(2024 Mix)
10. The Day the World Gets ‘Round(2024 Mix)
11. That Is All(2024 Mix)
●LP2/CD Disc 2
(LP Side A)
1. Give Me Love(Give Me Peace on Earth)(Take 18; Acoustic Version)
2. Sue Me, Sue You Blues(Take 5)
3. The Light That Has Lighted the World(Take 13)
4. Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long(Take 49; Acoustic Version)
5. Who Can See It(Take 93)
6. Living in the Material World(Take 31)
(LP Side B)
7. The Lord Loves the One(That Loves the Lord)(Take 3)
8. Be Here Now(Take 8)
9. Try Some Buy Some(Alternative Version)
10. The Day the World Gets ‘Round(Take 22; Acoustic Version)
11. That Is All(Take 24)
12. Miss O’Dell(2024 Mix)
13. Sunshine Life For Me(Sail Away Raymond)*CD Only
●LP1/CD Disc 1
(LP Side A)
1. Give Me Love(Give Me Peace on Earth)(2024 Mix)
2. Sue Me, Sue You Blues(2024 Mix)
3. The Light That Has Lighted the World(2024 Mix)
4. Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long(2024 Mix)
5. Who Can See It(2024 Mix)
6. Living in the Material World(2024 Mix)
(LP Side B)
7. The Lord Loves the One(That Loves the Lord)(2024 Mix)
8. Be Here Now(2024 Mix)
9. Try Some Buy Some(2024 Mix)
10. The Day the World Gets ‘Round(2024 Mix)
11. That Is All(2024 Mix)
●LP2/CD Disc 2
(LP Side A)
1. Give Me Love(Give Me Peace on Earth)(Take 18; Acoustic Version)
2. Sue Me, Sue You Blues(Take 5)
3. The Light That Has Lighted the World(Take 13)
4. Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long(Take 49; Acoustic Version)
5. Who Can See It(Take 93)
6. Living in the Material World(Take 31)
(LP Side B)
7. The Lord Loves the One(That Loves the Lord)(Take 3)
8. Be Here Now(Take 8)
9. Try Some Buy Some(Alternative Version)
10. The Day the World Gets ‘Round(Take 22; Acoustic Version)
11. That Is All(Take 24)
12. Miss O’Dell(2024 Mix)
13. Sunshine Life For Me(Sail Away Raymond)*CD Only
■Super Deluxe Edition only
●7″ Single
1. Sunshine Life For Me(Sail Away Raymond)
2. Sunshine Life For Me(Sail Away Raymond)[Instrumental]
1. Give Me Love(Give Me Peace on Earth)(2024 Mix)
2. Sue Me, Sue You Blues(2024 Mix)
3. The Light That Has Lighted the World(2024 Mix)
4. Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long(2024 Mix)
5. Who Can See It(2024 Mix)
6. Living in the Material World(2024 Mix)
7. The Lord Loves the One(That Loves the Lord)(2024 Mix)
8. Be Here Now(2024 Mix)
9. Try Some Buy Some(2024 Mix)
10. The Day the World Gets ‘Round(2024 Mix)
11. That Is All(2024 Mix)
12. Give Me Love(Give Me Peace on Earth)(Take 18; Acoustic Version)
13. Sue Me, Sue You Blues(Take 5)
14. The Light That Has Lighted the World(Take 13)
15. Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long(Take 49; Acoustic Version)
16. Who Can See It(Take 93)
17. Living in the Material World(Take 31)
18. The Lord Loves the One(That Loves the Lord)(Take 3)
19. Be Here Now(Take 8)
20. Try Some Buy Some(Alternative Version)
21. The Day the World Gets ‘Round(Take 22; Acoustic Version)
22. That Is All(Take 24)
23. Miss O’Dell(2024 Mix)
24. Sunshine Life For Me(Sail Away Raymond)
●7″ Single
1. Sunshine Life For Me(Sail Away Raymond)
2. Sunshine Life For Me(Sail Away Raymond)[Instrumental]
1. Give Me Love(Give Me Peace on Earth)(2024 Mix)
2. Sue Me, Sue You Blues(2024 Mix)
3. The Light That Has Lighted the World(2024 Mix)
4. Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long(2024 Mix)
5. Who Can See It(2024 Mix)
6. Living in the Material World(2024 Mix)
7. The Lord Loves the One(That Loves the Lord)(2024 Mix)
8. Be Here Now(2024 Mix)
9. Try Some Buy Some(2024 Mix)
10. The Day the World Gets ‘Round(2024 Mix)
11. That Is All(2024 Mix)
12. Give Me Love(Give Me Peace on Earth)(Take 18; Acoustic Version)
13. Sue Me, Sue You Blues(Take 5)
14. The Light That Has Lighted the World(Take 13)
15. Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long(Take 49; Acoustic Version)
16. Who Can See It(Take 93)
17. Living in the Material World(Take 31)
18. The Lord Loves the One(That Loves the Lord)(Take 3)
19. Be Here Now(Take 8)
20. Try Some Buy Some(Alternative Version)
21. The Day the World Gets ‘Round(Take 22; Acoustic Version)
22. That Is All(Take 24)
23. Miss O’Dell(2024 Mix)
24. Sunshine Life For Me(Sail Away Raymond)
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