
1月にアメリカの市民権を獲得したニール・ヤング(1月24日MLCニュース参照)が、自身のウェブサイト「Neil Young Archives」に、トランプ大統領に宛てた公開書簡を投稿しました。



またヤングは、トランプ大統領が自身の政治集会で何年もの間ヤングの楽曲「Keep on Rockin’ in the Free World」を無断で使っていることにも触れ、「この曲は、あなたが集会で披露できる曲ではありません。あなたがベース・プレーヤーとしてロック・バンドで演奏していたなら、毎晩あなたのファンを前に集会のステージに立っていたかもしれませんが、それはあなたの演奏が上手だったらの話ですけどね。あなたの集会で “Keep on Rockin’ in the Free World” や私の曲が流れるたびに、私の発言があなたに届くことを願っています。この手紙が、あなたを支持せず税金を払っているアメリカ国民、すなわち私の声であることを忘れないでください」

You are a disgrace to my country. Bragging about the US economy does not disguise the fact that the numbers today are what you inherited almost 4 years ago.

Your mindless destruction of our shared natural resources, our environment and our relationships with friends around the world is unforgivable.

Your policies, decisions and short term thinking continue to exacerbate the Climate Crisis.

Our first black president was a better man than you are.

The United States of America, my country, is not a green on one of your branded golf courses that you can ride around on and damage so that other players cannot shoot straight.

“Keep on Rockin’ in the Free World” is not a song you can trot out at one of your rallies. Perhaps you could have been a bass player and played in a rock and roll band. That way you could be on stage at a rally every night in front of your fans, if you were any good, and you might be…

Every time “Keep on Rockin’ in the Free World” or one of my songs is played at your rallies, I hope you hear my voice. Remember it is the voice of a tax-paying US citizen who does not support you. Me.

I don’t blame the people who voted for you. I support their right to express themselves, although they have been lied to, and in many cases believed the lies, they are true Americans. I have their back.

US justice is ours — not yours

One of your opponents has answers I like. He is aiming at preserving our children’s future directly. He is not popular with the democratic establishment because unlike all the other candidates, he is not pandering to the industries accelerating Earth’s Climate Disaster, the end of the world as we know it. he is truly fighting for the USA.

His initials are BS. Not his policies.

We are going to vote you out and Make America Great Again.


幻のアルバム 失われた音を求めて

幻のアルバム 失われた音を求めて


THE DIG Special Edition CSN & Y(クロスビー、スティルス、ナッシュ & ヤング)


TOWER RECORDS Presents 久保憲司のロック千夜一夜

ディスク・コレクション ウエスト・コースト・ロック

ディスク・コレクション ウエスト・コースト・ロック





