ザ・キンクス、ボックスセット『Muswell Hillbilies & Everybody’s In Show-Biz – Everybody’s A Star』9月発売

・LP1~2:『Muswell Hillbilies』のリマスター・ヴァージョン(カラー・ヴァイナル)
・LP3~5:『Everybody’s In Show-Biz – Everybody’s A Star』のリマスター・ヴァージョン(カラー・ヴァイナル)
・LP6:『Ray Davies 2022 Remixes』レイ・デイヴィスの新リミックス・ヴァージョン11曲(ブラック・ヴァイナル)
・CD1:『Muswell Hillbilies』のリマスター・ヴァージョン
・CD2:『Everybody’s In Show-Biz – Everybody’s A Star』のリマスター・ヴァージョン
・CD3:『Ray Davies 2022 Remixes』
・CD4:『The Kinks 1971 US Tour Travel Montage』
*Blu-ray:『Ray Davies 1971 Home Movie』
※LP1(=CD1)とLP2は2014年リマスター再発時の2枚。LP1はオリジナルの『Muswell Hillbilies』で、LP2は『Muswell Hillbilies』期レア・トラック集。
※LP3と4(=CD2)とLP5は2016年リマスター再発時の3枚。LP3とLP4はリマスターされたオリジナルの2枚組『Everybody’s In Show-Biz – Everybody’s A Star』で、LP5は1972年3月2日・3日のニューヨーク/カーネギー・ホールでの追加ライヴ音源とレア・トラック。
このほか、バンドの新たなインタヴューや未公開写真、メモラビリアを掲載した52ページの豪華ハードカヴァー本や、キンクスにゆかりのある歴史的ロケーションをハイライトにしたA2サイズの「London Roots」マップ、キンクスのロゴをフィーチャーしたメタル・バッジ、キンクス1971年と1972年の写真プリント6枚が同梱されます。
また、キンクスの公式オンライン・ストアで購入すると、1972年RCAスパニッシュ・プロモーション・シングルのピクチャー・スリーヴ・アートワークをフィーチャーした限定7インチ・シングル「Supersonic Rocket Ship / 20th Century Man」が付くそうです。
さらに、単体での『Muswell Hillbilies』『Everybody’s In Show-Biz – Everybody’s A Star』がそれぞれLPとCDで(CDにはそれぞれ3曲と1曲のレイ・デイヴィス・リミックスをボーナス・トラックとして収録)、 加えてブック・パッケージ形式で2作のカップリング2CD(ボーナス・トラックに4曲のレイ・デイヴィス・リミックス収録)でもリリースされます。
なお、今回のリリース発表に合わせ、同作から「Celluloid Heroes」の未発表ヴァージョン「Celluloid Heroes(US Single Version 2022 Edit)」のMVが公開されています。

The Kinks
『Muswell Hillbillies / Everybody's In Show-Biz』(Box)[Blu-ray]
●LP1 - Muswell Hillbillies Disc 1
Side A
1. 20th Century Man
2. Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues
3. Holiday
4. Skin and Bone
5. Alcohol
6. Complicated Life
Side B
1. Here Come the People in Grey
2. Have a Cuppa Tea
3. Holloway Jail
4. Oklahoma USA
5. Uncle Son
6. Muswell Hillbilly
●LP2 - Muswell Hillbillies Disc 2
Side C
1. Lavender Lane
2. Mountain Woman
3. Have a Cuppa Tea(Alternate Version)
4. Uncle Son (Alternate Version)
5. Kentucky Moon
6. Nobody's Fool(Demo)
Side D
1. Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues(BBC Peel Session)
2. Holiday(BBC Peel Session)
3. Skin and Bone(BBC Peel Session)
4. 20th Century Man(Alternate Instrumental Take)
5. Queenie(Backing Track)
6. Muswell Hillbillies (Radio Spot)
■LP3-5 - Everybody's in Show-Biz - Everybody's a Star(1972)
●LP3 - Everybody's in Show-Biz - Everybody's a Star Disc 1
Side A
1. Here Comes Yet Another Day
2. Maximum Consumption
3. Unreal Reality
4. Hot Potatoes
5. Sitting in My Hotel
Side B
1. Motorway
2. You Don't Know My Name
3. Supersonic Rocket Ship
4. Look a Little on the Sunny Side
5. Celluloid Heroes
●LP4 - Everybody's in Show-Biz - Everybody's a Star Disc 2
Side C
1. Top of the Pops(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
2. Brainwashed(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
3. Mr. Wonderful(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
4. Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
5. Holiday(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
Side D
1. Muswell Hillbilly(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
2. Alcohol(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
3. Banana Boat Song(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
4. Skin and Bone(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
5. Baby Face(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
6. Lola(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
●LP5 - Everybody's in Show-Biz - Everybody's a Star Disc 3
Side E
1. Till the End of the Day(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 2nd March 1972)
2. You're Looking Fine(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 2nd March 1972)
3. Get Back in Line(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
4. Have a Cuppa Tea(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 2nd March 1972)
5. Sunny Afternoon(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 2nd March 1972)
Side F
1. Complicated Life(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 2nd March 1972)
2. Long Tall Shorty(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
3. History(Studio Outtake)
4. Supersonic Rocket Ship(Alternate Mix)
■LP6 - Ray Davies 2022 Remixes
Side A
1. Have a Cuppa Tea
2. 20th Century Man(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
3. Motorway
4. Alcohol
5. Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
Side B
1. Supersonic Rocket Ship
2. Here Come the People in Grey
3. Here Comes Yet Another Day
4. Holloway Jail
5. Sitting in My Hotel
6. Oklahoma USA
1. 20th Century Man
2. Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues
3. Holiday
4. Skin and Bone
5. Alcohol
6. Complicated Life
7. Here Come the People in Grey
8. Have a Cuppa Tea
9. Holloway Jail
10. Oklahoma USA
11. Uncle Son
12. Muswell Hillbilly
■CD2 - Everybody's in Show-Biz - Everybody's a Star(1972)
1. Here Comes Yet Another Day
2. Maximum Consumption
3. Unreal Reality
4. Hot Potatoes
5. Sitting in My Hotel
6. Motorway
7. You Don't Know My Name
8. Supersonic Rocket Ship
9. Look a Little on the Sunny Side
10. Celluloid Heroes
11. Top of the Pops(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
12. Brainwashed(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
13. Mr. Wonderful (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
14. Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
15. Holiday(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
16. Muswell Hillbilly(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
17. Alcohol(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
18. Banana Boat Song(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
19. Skin and Bone (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
20. Baby Face(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
21. Lola(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
■CD3 - Ray Davies 2022 Remixes
1. Have a Cuppa Tea
2. 20th Century Man(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
3. Motorway
4. Alcohol
5. Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
6. Supersonic Rocket Ship
7. Here Come the People in Grey
8. Here Comes Yet Another Day
9. Holloway Jail
10. Sitting in My Hotel
11. Oklahoma USA
■CD4 - The Kinks 1971 US Tour Travel Montage
1. Travelling Montage
2. Travelling with My Band(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
3. Celluloid Heroes(2022 Mix)
■Blu-Ray - Ray Davies 1971 Home Movie
1. Muswell Hillbilly
2. Ray Davies 1971 Home Movie: Spoken Word One
3. Have a Cuppa Tea(Ray Davies 2022 remix)
4. Ray Davies 1971 Home Movie: Spoken Word Two
5. Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
6. Ray Davies 1971 Home Movie: Spoken Word Three
7. Sitting in My Hotel(Ray Davies 2022 remix)
8. Ray Davies 1971 Home Movie: Spoken Word Four
9. Unreal Reality
10. Ray Davies 1971 Home Movie: Spoken Word Five
11. Alcohol(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)
12. Motorway(Ray Davies 2022 remix)
13. Celluloid Heroes(2022 Mix)
14. Lola(Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972)

The Kinks
『Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Pt. 1』
・Amazon Music・MP3(1970/11/27)¥1,800[Deluxe]
・2CDs (2020/12/18)輸入盤
